The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
Learn more...

When you donate to Brice foundation, you help us provide quality education, loving homes, loving parents as well as a chance to grow up with siblings and friends in a nurturing community, quality schools, medical care, food, clean water, and most of all hope for a better future to children in need. There are several ways to get involved in our work to reduce poverty and illiteracy rate across Haiti as we mentioned below. However, the easiest way is to make a donation to us, by using PayPal and our secure website to donate with a debit or a credit card, you will be given option to choose to make a one-time donation or a recurring one by simply clicking the "Recurring box." If you do chose to become a monthly donor, every month you will get a notification from us to inform you of the coming transaction several days before it's taken. Or you can simply mailing your donation or other type of assistances to us to our mailing address.

Why Donate to Brice Foundation?
Our organization's purpose is to reduce both poverty and illiteracy, because we believe that poverty and illiteracy walk hand to hand. As a result one can't be successfully implemented without the other. So when you support our organization, it is the parents who can't afford to send their children to school and feed them at the same time that you have supported, it is the orphan child who has no one to turn to or no way to go that you have supported. It is the father who's not working, but must find a way to feed and clothed his children that you have supported, it is the unemployed single mother who dreams a better future for her children that you have supported, it is also the mother and the father who don't know how to read and write their own names that you give a second change; and most of all, when you support our organization it is your way to say no to poverty and illiteracy. We wouldn't be able to make it this far without generous donors like you. A lot of innocent children depend on us, and we depend on your support in order to give hope to the hopeless, love to the unloved and attention to the forgotten ones.
Did you know?
More than 90% of all donations collected go straight to those in need through various social projects, such as education, food and cloths distribution to the poor, water, shelters, and other types of projects that can help empower the poor especially women. Brice Foundation is an ethical organization; our only purpose is to help and to give voice to the poor, especially children. With your donation, children in Haiti will have the chance of a lifetime, quality and affordable education, something many of us have taken for granted in various place in the world.

Children are the most vulnerable group of our society, yet they are the ones who suffer the most of poverty, illiteracy and every other type of social injustice. Don’t let them down, make your voice heard today; get involved.
Give many young girls like me the chance to become nurses, doctors, lawyers, or antreprenors.