The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
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The Opposite of Love is not Hate but Indifference
There are several ways to get involved in our work to reduce poverty and illiteracy rate accross Haiti as we mentioned below. However, the easiest way is to make a donation to us, by using PayPal and our secure website to donate with a debit or a credit card, you will be given oftion to chose to make a one time donation or a recurring one by simply clicking the "Recurring box." If you do chose to become a monthly donor, every month you will get a notification from us to inform you of the coming transaction several days before it's taken. Or you can simply mailing your donation or other type of assistances to us to our mailing address. Note: as a non-profit 501(c)3 organization every donation given to us is fully tax deductible and all information provided to Brice Foundation is secured, because it is transmitted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. The SSL is a proven coding system that lets your browser automatically encrypt, or scramble, data before you send it to us. We also protect account information by placing it on a secure portion of our site that is only accessible by our Staff Director and the website administrator "WebMaster."
Thank you for your interest in supporting children who desperately need support through our organization. There are thousands of precious children who have been orphaned and abandoned by their parents especially after the earthquake of January 12, 2010. They need to know and feel that there are people who still care for them. They need your love and your support. For just $30 a month which $1 a Day, or for $360/year you can bring Hope, Joy, and a Brighter Future to a child that's desperately needs your help.
Your sponsorship brings change to more than just one child. With your help not only we will provide assistance to the child, but also to his/her family, and perhaps the entire community. Remember that 80% of the population only have a revenue of $1 or less than one dollar a day.
So with your support we’ll be able to provide education, food, sanitize water, medical assistance, and shelters to them. Most of those children have no one to help them other than good Samaritans like you, so any contribution your heart feels comfortable with, will greatly be appreciated. If you can't help 100 children try to help one. To request more information about sponsoring a child please click here
We have a nation and a society to rebuild, it’s not an easy task and it requires many compassionate hands to get it done. If your company is interested in helping us making a difference in peoples’ lives, especially children, you can join us as partner or sponsor and your support as a company will be greatly appreciated.
Here is a list of some of the areas your company can help us:
• medical attention for low or no income families
• provide food, clean water and shelter to the poor
• hygiene and nutritive instruction to those living in poverty
• job-skills training that can help our low income families get out of the poverty circle
• spiritual growth to help them believe a better tomorrow is on its way, hope sometimes can be the only thing that keep us moving when there’s no way out
• education and vocation; our goal is to send as many children as possible to school we will need lots of financial support and schools materials to make this happen.
• We also have plan to build schools across Haiti, equipped with canteen, library, and a clinic in order to make school more accessible to every child while staying healthy.
• help them establish and maintain good relationships with others
• teach them the importance of self-discipline, integrity, most of all independence.
• help them improve socially and emotionally
• creating future leaders with different mindset who will focus more on the needs of the people not their own.
• grant scholarships and awards to those who desire to pursue the education.
For more information on how you can partner with us, please contact Brice foundation International at our toll free number: 1(904)404-5044 and choose sponsoring option or click here...
Or you can email us @ Bricefoundation@gmail.com
by mail at:
In the U.S.:
P.O. Box 2124
Orange Park, Florida 32067
42, Rue Charlemagne Peralte
Imp. Armoux Walker
Petionville, Haiti, 15919.
At the present time, Brice Foundation does not have an academic institution yet in place. However, this is one of our priority for the next coming years. We plan on building our own school establishments throughout Haiti in order to offer a top quality and affordable education to every child. Those schools establishments will be equipped with canteens, clinics, libraries and vocational section, where they can learn important life skills to succeed with or without anyone's help while in school. In the meantime, we work with other schools and technical institutions around the country to help promote education and give the youths access to a top quality education and access to at least one meal a day while in school. It is our understanding that some of those kids’ parent find themselves in difficult economic situation that obligate them to choose between feeding their children or sending them to school; and as we all know, no one can possibly learn anything with an empty stomach, so most of those parents choose to feed their kids instead. When you support or donate to this program, you help those children and their parents to not have to make the choice between educating their kids and feed them. We accept all kind of donation, whether it is money, school supplies such as (school bags, pens and pencils, cloths, shoes, books, etc.) or other schools materials that is deemed necessary for better education. Our goal is to support approximately 30,000 children to go to school or to stay in school by 2016. Together, we can make this happen sooner than later.
To sponsor this program, please click this button. Keep in mind there's no amount that is too little, whatever you give can help us get one step closer to our goal, which is to support at least 30,000 children isuued from underprivilleged families. We all have a moral responsibility to help those vulnerable children who have no other way to turn for help. If you do choose to help We guarantee you that your heart will thank you for making a difference where it is desperately needed.

We have many social programs and projects that need both professional and financial support, by offering your compassionate financial support toward any of these projects, it will be allocated to where it is needed the most.
Please keep in mind that we are an ethical nonprofit organization that only drives by the desire to help those in needs, and children and families are a main focus. So when you donate to our organization, you help change lives and save others in some cases, but most of all, you give hope to the hopeless. There are thousands of innocents’ lives depend on us, so don’t hesitate to make the call to help.
Your gifts to us will be used for:
• Education and for building schools across the country to make education more accessible
• Provide Food, shelter, clean water, and medical assistance to children and their families
• Deliver emergency aid of all kind in the time of a crisis or desperation
• Provide safe shelter to thousands of homeless children, etc. To donate now, please click here
We appreciate every who has the desire to become volunteer in our effort to reduce poverty and illiteracy especially among children, the turth is we can use everyone’s help regardless of you background; whether you are a doctor, a psychologist, a counselor, a civil engineer, a school teacher, etc. or simply a Good Samaritan who desires to make a difference in others’ lives by contributing his/her time and knowledge, our doors are wide open to you. People in Haiti recently survive a terrible earthquake that killed an approximately 300,000 people according to the local government and other sources. Among those who lost their lives are innocent children and women. There are a lot of needs for medical attention both physically and emotionally. This nation is in a healing process right now, but also experiencing severe poverty effects. Together we can make miracle happens, we can change this shameful picture and give them the chance to live in dignity. So if you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us at:
By Phone: 1(904)404-5044
Electronic Address at: Bricefoundation@gmail.com or by clicking this button below:
By mail n U.S.:
P.O. Box 2124
Orange Park, Florida 32067
42 Rue Charlemagne Peralte
Imp. Armoux Walker
Petionville, Haiti, 15919