The Issue of "Restavek" in Haiti
Did you know 2 out of every 10 children in Haiti are being Forced to Performed Domestic Work?
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Those videos are being posted as a way to help visitors understand the necessity to help those in needs. Between 18 to 22,000 children die every day around the world due to poverty, and 1 out of 2 children do not have the opportunity to go to school due to lack of financial support. It's estimated about 67 million children each year don't spend a day in school.Haiti is one of those developing countries that are facing that type of situation. For every 1000 children who are born, 350 of them die due to poverty and illnesses. As far as literacy rate, only 35 to 40% of the population knows how to read and write. Our goal is to be a transition between those who are willing to help and those in needs. Those video are not privately own by Brice Foundation, however, we find them very useful to help our visitors understand the truth about the other side of the world. We apologize to those who might find some of those videos very insulting, but kindly they are the reality of many men, women and children around the world.
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Help Fight Poverty and Prevent Disaster
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Better Education, Better Future for our Children
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Escaping Poverty/Life After the Earthquake of 01/12/2010 in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
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The Other Side of the World
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Boosting Agriculture in Haiti
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Portraits of Poverty: Reginold Beckford
"Poor doesn't necessarily mean, miserable."
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Chains of Poverty: A short video about the poverty that surrounds our world.
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Slums and Poverty
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1 Dollar Poverty - Official Trailer