Deontology (A place of Reason)

Human reasoning as a Way of Knowing is a particularly interesting characteristic of the human intellect because people, by nature, are able to think intuitively, without restraint and in such a way that a primary piece of information can be processed through reasoning to gain further understanding. In this way, people are capable of acquiring knowledge by compiling a number of facts, interpreting them and by way of reasoning, 'finding them to be true or not to be true'. In short, reasoning can be defined as any process which involves drawing a conclusion from a set of premises.
So my point is that; the strength of basing an ethic entirely on human reasoning is somewhat limited due to the fact that human reasoning is not the only way for us to get more in-depth information or knowledge. On top of that, as human, we’re naturally bias. So this would give room for more biases judgements, decisions, or conclusions (Argosy University, 2015).
There are also motion, language, perception, faith, etc. which are very essential in making accurate judgement or conclusion. Since we don’t know it all as human, the flaw of basing an ethic on our own reasoning automatically points out its limits as well as its strengths. There would be disagreements, some people would over benefit from such an ethic while others would under benefit from it (California State University, 2015).
Example of Universal Maxim
According to Emmanuel Kant, a maxim is a basic principle that a person or a group of people applied in their action (s) in life (Argosy University, 2015).
One universal maxim I would love to see realize is that; we as the people ought to terminate our elected officials who don’t keep their promises in order to limit corruption and unaccountability.
The role human reason plays in developing that maxim is pretty simple; too many of our elected officials make unrealistic promises in order to get elected to office. As a result, those who are honest and ethical have little chance to be elected due to the fact that they wouldn’t say or do anything to get elected. Now, if candidates know if they promise something and can’t deliver, even if they were elected for four or five years, their mandates could be terminated before that time frame this would make them act ethically and very responsible throughout their terms. As a result, more would be done because they know people are watching and observing them on whether or not they have kept their promises and hold them accountable in the event they don’t.
Argosy University (2015). Ethics Across Cultures, 1st Edition. Kant’s Deontology. Data Retrieved on 08/07/2015, from:
California State University (2015). Kantian’s Ethics. Data Retrieved on 08/07/2015, from: