Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model
Social and cultural factors act not only as independent tooth but also interact with the physical and biological to form the total picture that the epidemiological phenomenon develops ill mental diseases: occurrence, distribution, maintenance and extension of the problems. We have said that this relationship is so intimate and varied in certain cases cannot be determined without any of these factors, while in other cases, be each other’s who are directly involved. In general there are cultural and social conditions that influence the level of Mental Health communities (Kirmayer et al., 2012). By analyzing the multiplicity of causes involved in the onset of the imbalance of health-disease relationship, always find that these imperfections stem from the organization human social. Wes Moore’s case provides with sufficient analysis for the above mentioned factors.

Impact of biopsychosocial-cultural factors
Moore had a disturbed brought up, he used drugs at a very early age and also got involved with girls. He became fathered a child at the age of sixteen. Social and cultural factors act not only as independent tooth but also interact with the physical and biological to form the total picture that the epidemiological phenomenon develops ill mental diseases. He lacked the interconnection with different biological aspects (Burkhardt, 2014 and PBS, 2010).
Psychologically, Moore appeared to be extremely weak and always tried to find cushions that went wrong. He had used drugs, broke laws that is because he sought attention from the people around. He was a school drop-out. Single mother could not manage with the boy who had psychological demands. Basically, he was the victim of insecurity. He wanted to empower himself with all possible means. There were a few elements of inferiority complex in him that also provoked him to go against the law. The psychological perspective explains the association between relationship and satisfaction. He could never build healthy relationships with people around him even that frustrated him (Duncan & Magnuson, 2011).
Biological and psychological factors affected his developmental phase. He was unable to differentiate between good or bad. All these things destroyed his personality that eventually ended up causing him to shoot in Baltimore County. It all ended on his life time imprisonment most unfortunately. He could have mended things if he had the needed support to fight the evil that entered him at the very early age (Kirmayer et al., 2012).
Moore had his mother only to be cared by. He did not have usual family with father and other members. This impacted on bringing carelessness in him.
Social relations are developed and the life of people, her caring relationships, emotional ties and expressed collective. Mental health refers to the styles positive life and the values that legitimate and sustain the levels of humanity, trust, confidence and sense of control over their own destiny, and gives life option, meaning, respect and legitimacy. Moore’s social loneliness made him rude and ruthless.
Cultural Factors
The criteria from which mental health is specified in relation to the concept health are widely articulated in the following points: Welfare and Quality of life, social opportunities, access to health services friendly programs massive coverage and quality in terms of disease prevention and health promotion (.
Intervention Strategies
Thought Stopping
Also called stop thinking is a process developed for the elimination of persistent thought patterns with negative consequences, such as those that may cause anxiety. It consists in stopping such thoughts through verbal expression or image as soon as possible as they arise. It requires prior training in identifying such negative thoughts. Moore could have been helped by nipping the negative thought soon they had arrived in his mind (Burkhardt, 2014).
Communication for Change Behavior
A common thread running through all programs is behavioral change. The program is Communication for Change Behavior (CCC) is designed to produce behaviors or behaviors that improve the condition health and relevant results in the long term. Formerly known as Information- Education-Communication, or IEC, renaming implies a shift in focus to produce materials strategically implement programs designed to influence behavior. The indicators presented here are focused on the results achieved and not on the activities (i.e., in the evaluation of the process). The results that measure these indicators, including changes in knowledge, attitudes, intentions and behaviors, can be generated by mass communication, interpersonal communication and community participation, although evaluators have been applied to date, these indicators primarily on communication programs have a component of mass communication. This is probably due to the required surveys to collect this data at the level of the population. They are relatively expensive and are suitable only when the program has a range of communication wide (Duncan & Magnuson, 2011).
Some thinkers see the biopsychosocial model in terms of causation. On this understanding the biological component of the biopsychosocial model seeks to understand how the cause of the illness stems from the functioning of the individual’s body. The psychological component of the biopsychosocial model looks for potential psychological causes for a health problem such as lack of self-control, emotional turmoil, and negative thinking. The social part of the biopsychosocial model investigates how different social factors such as socioeconomic status, culture, poverty, technology, and religion can influence health. There are many people like Moore and their life can be saved by making timely interventions.
Argosy University (2015). Abnormal Child Psychology, 5th Edition. Theories and Causes. Data Retrieved on 02/03/2015, from:
Burkhardt, S. (2014). Diversity and Disability. Special Education International Perspectives: Biopsychosocial, Cultural, and Disability Aspects (Advances in Special Education, Volume 27) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 27, 33-52.
Duncan, G. J., & Magnuson, K. (2011). The nature and impact of early achievement skills, attention skills, and behavior problems. Whither opportunity, 47-69.
Kirmayer, L. J., Fung, K., Rousseau, C., Lo, H. T., Menzies, P., Guzder, J., & McKenzie, K. (2012). Guidelines for training in cultural psychiatry. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 57(3), 1-16.